The Danger Of Dealing With Dust In The Workplace
Is success simply profit-driven? Are reduced costs and maximized prices really the pinnacle of a business? What about what a business can offer to its employees? Businesses that focus more on the safety of their employees then their earnings or their profits are truly successful. Unfortunately, especially for most blue-collar jobs, this is rarely the case. Many employees will face some level of exposure to deadly contaminants, most typically dust. Contamination from airborne dust can contribute to lung diseases such as pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis and even some types of cancer. In addition to serious respiratory diseases, dust exposure can cause eye damage and skin conditions, including cancer. Understanding the dangers that dust can pose to the workers that are required to work through these conditions, businesses should be doing everything they can to protect them. Many businesses have programs in place just for that. It begins with education and training for the entire staff. Having the knowledge and understanding of the dangers of dust can help reduce exposure rates. It’s also standard for businesses to provide personal protective equipment (PPE). This also includes barrier creams and other skin protections, goggles or visors to guard the eyes, and sufficient face coverings or masks to protect the respiratory system for all employees. Providing these types of equipment is simply a place for businesses to start as far as their responsibility for their employees goes. To learn more about how businesses are providing a safer working environment for their employees, read on to the infographic highlighted alongside this post.
The Danger Of Dealing With Dust In The Workplace this resource was contributed by DuroVac, a reliable choice for a osha compliant vacuum
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